

We are Anna and Hasim and one of our favorite hobbies is to travel around the world and admire the traditional and artisanal products of each country, since they are a reflection of ancient cultures.

We hope that the magnificent work of the artisans is not forgotten, supporting their work through the marketing of their products.

The Turkish origin of part of the family and their knowledge of the crafts of this country encouraged us to create Casa Turca Handmade in 2022.

In this way we can combine our favorite hobby with the possibility of offering our customers high-quality handmade products.


Our mission is to recover and maintain ancient craft traditions, preserving traditional and environmentally friendly techniques.

We find it essential to promote and dignify the work of artisans in general, always trying to provide a quality product and service to the customer, which makes us stand out in the artisan market, where consumers can find unique pieces that combine tradition and modernity.

All our products must follow sustainable production, in addition to promoting more sustainable consumption committed to the planet. Artisans are great allies when it comes to reinforcing our environmental commitment.


Become a reference in the crafts market in general, and Turkish crafts in particular, promoting culture and sustainability.


Artesanal job. Culture. Sustainability. Innovation. Curiosity. Culture. Respect for diversity. Design. Quality. Honesty.